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Braces and Scoliosis

In the final segment of this three-part series, Erin Myers of Spiral Spine Pilates refers to a recent study indicating that orthodontic braces can play a role in increasing one’s risk of developing scoliosis, particularly when combined with classical ballet training and a having low BMI. Erin is well versed on these factors as she was affected by each, and provides a unique perspective on how to manage them.

If you’d like to learn more about the connection between orthodontics and scoliosis, we invite you to read Erin’s previous blog post on the subject.

Additionally, further information on Ballet and BMI and a link to the scientific study referred to in all three videos can be found here.

Video 3 of a 3-part series. Part 1 and part 2 are up on the blog. We hope you’ve enjoyed this video series and would love to hear about your experiences with braces and scoliosis in the comments section.

3 Responses

  1. I had braces and I knew that’s what caused my scoliosis. I just knew it. Its nice to know other people have had the same thing. I would just love to have it fixed. I don’t even care what caused it

    1. Hi Robbin,
      There are things you can do for your scoli to improve it. There are so many resources that can help you in the journey. Start with the free Starting Point videos on this website. There are books, workouts, workshops, virtual lessons, and more to help you. If you need guidance on where to start, or are just looking for more info, you can always shoot Spiral Spine a note through the comment page of this page, and someone will reply to you with guidance.
      Erin Myers

    2. There do not appear to be any clinical studies between orthodontics, neurology, specialists in biomechanics, mathematics, or applied biomechanics to prove that orthodontics does NOT cause biomechanical deflections and conflicts of forces passing from the ortho appliance into the musculo skeletal system. There is also no spinal evaluation that accompanies any ortho to guarantee that the ortho will not cause any harm .

      TEACH CHILDREN TO CHEW LIKE A SQUIRREL because squirrels are precision chewers and acrobats of the forest with optimal neurocognitive biomechanics!

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