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Starting Point Series

Intro to Starting Point Series

Welcome to the Scoliosis Starting Point Series from Spiral Spine.

The intro video describes the research behind a scoliometer and how to use one. Regular use of a scoliometer is key to understanding which therapies help your scoliosis. To make your life easier, I created a scoliometer app.


Video 1: Mapping Your Scoliotic Back

This video will teach you how to map out your scoliosis using dot stickers.

Video 2: Drawing Your Diagram Sketch

You will learn how to draw a diagram sketch of your back using the dot sticker pictures you made after watching video #1.

Your sketch will give you a good idea of the overall curvatures and ribcage rotation in your back, which will help you to better manage your scoliosis. You’ll need your diagram sketch in order to take full advantage of home workout DVD, Hard Core Scoli.


Video 3: Proper Pad Placement for Exercise

This video covers the importance of proper pad placement during exercise for those with scoliosis. You will use your previously made diagram sketch to learn where to correctly pad your body, allowing you to take full advantage of the exercises offered in the home workout DVD, Hard Core Scoli.

Video 4: Finding a Movement Practitioner

This video discusses the importance of finding a local movement practitioner to help you unwind your scoliosis.

Video 5: Finding a Manual Therapist

This video discusses the importance of finding a manual therapist in your area to help you manage your scoliosis.