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Diagramming Your Scoliosis

Ever tried diagramming your scoliosis? How about sketching the curves in your back? Would you even know where to start? And why is this important anyway? Great questions! And we’ve got answers.

Spiral Spine has created a set of introductory videos to teach you how to map, diagram and sketch your scoliosis. The Scoliosis Starting Point series will help you better understand your individual curves and give you a visual representation of where your scoli currently is. This, in turn, will help you and your practitioners to bring your spiral spine to a more neutral alignment.

The Starting Point series consists of five videos:

-Mapping Your Scoliotic Back teaches you how to make dot stickers pictures that illustrate the curves in your back. Is one shoulder or one hip higher than the other? Do you have an upper and a lower curve? Which way does your spine curve at the top? This video will answer these questions for you.

-Drawing Your Diagram Sketch shows you how to use those dot stickers pictures to sketch your scoliotic back. It’s extremely easy, and you don’t need a degree in art to do it. Your resulting sketch will lead you to the next Starting Point video.

-Proper Pad Placement for Exercise addresses proper pad placement while exercising. Using small, inexpensive materials, you can create padding to support your scoliotic curves while exercising. Supporting the curves in your spine is extremely important in order to guide your spine to a more neutral position. This helps you strengthen your back’s supporting muscles. You’ll find that using pads correctly while you exercise is extremely beneficial for your back’s curves.

-Finding a Movement Practitioner: Now that you’re very familiar with your scoliosis, you’ll want to find a movement practitioner in your area to help you expertly strengthen your core and the muscles in your back. Whether it’s Pilates, yoga, or a combination of activities, this video will guide you in finding the right movement practitioner for you.

-Finding a Manual Therapist: In the final segment of the Starting Point series, Erin Myers stresses the importance of finding a manual therapist in your area to help ‘unwind’ your scoliotic back.

All five of these videos will help you prepare for Spiral Spine’s upcoming home workout DVD, Hard Core Scoli, to be released in the next few weeks.

Thanks for being a part of the Spiral Spine family! Let us know if you have any comments or questions related to the Scoliosis Starting Point series in the Comments section below. 



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