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Don’t Give Up

I recently received the following email:

Thank you so much for this post (My Scoli Rant: Stop the Mistruths!). I’ve had scoliosis and Scheuerman’s kyphosis since I was a child and I am now 62. I’m in constant pain daily and have considered surgery. NO WAY NOW! I’ve been taking PILATES for a year now, including privates, but it makes it worse. WHY? Because NONE of the instructors are educated in this realm. So I quit and purchased my own Reformer – praise God my family is so supportive. I’m exercising on it daily and it really is helping and it makes me happier (as I take meds for depression ~ modern science’s answer). 

I have
Analyzing Scoliosis and am ordering your other book regarding Beautiful Back. I need to own my back and accept it. Thank you for telling me that and for your post. 


It is never too late to own your scoliosis, even at the age of 62 like Sarah, which is about 50 years after her original scoliosis diagnosis.

How do you live a long and happy life with scoliosis? Move. And move wisely. And move often.

Will you have bumps along your path as your try out different instructors to see if they can work with you? Most likely yes. And it’s OK. You can’t let yourself get defeated along the journey.

Listen to your body. It’s speaking to you. It’s always speaking to you. Does it like how this instructor worked with you? It may feel worked out after a lesson, but it shouldn’t hurt. Listen to your body and respond.

If your body is talking to you using the language of low back or neck pain, you might need to try another instructor. Just because you have a lesson with a not-so-great instructor doesn’t mean you throw in the towel and go have scoliosis spinal fusion surgery.

Try another instructor. Try another studio. Work out on your own at home.

Or, if you like your instructor, but the instructor just needs more training, then help them help you. Most instructors are in the industry because they want to help people, but sometimes they simply don’t know how to.

I’ve spent the last decade of my life creating resources to both educate those with scoliosis and movement practitioners with scoliosis clients. There are books, online workshops, at-home workout videos–all tools I’ve created to help people with scoliosis around the world live their best life.

You are too important to throw in the towel. Your value is too much to give up. Fight for yourself. Help your instructor fight for you too.