Scoliosis Retreat

Upon seeing a gap in scoliosis care around the world, Erin Myers created the Scoliosis Retreat to provide a safe place for you to take care of and learn about your unique and beautiful scoliotic body.

Annually taught by Erin and her teachers, the Scoliosis Retreat takes place over two, six-hour days at Spiral Spine Pilates located in Nashville, TN. During the Retreat, you will learn research-backed ways to align, strengthen, and release your body. Everyone is welcome, from newcomers to long-time clients, no matter the degree of your scoliotic curves, your age, or if you have had any kind of scoliosis surgery.

Download Mind Body Online

We recommend downloading the MBO app. This is the preferred way to sign up for all our classes, from groups to privates, in-person to virtual. You can even register for the Scoliosis Retreat. On your phone/tablet, using the app will be a much friendlier experience than the MBO website.

Track 1

New Clients

Track 1 is for newcomers to Spiral Spine and our style of scoli care. In Track 1 you will:

  • Learn to analyze your scoliosis
  • Have your scoliosis analyzed by our staff including a diagram sketch and Scoliometer readings
  • Learn your pad placement
  • Be taught research-backed movements to benefit your scoliotic body that you’ll be able to do at home
  • Undergo muscle testing by Spiral’s teachers to learn which of your muscles need to work and release and how to continue this work at home
  • Experience practicing Pilates movements tailored to your scoli on various pieces of Pilates equipment
  • Leave the retreat empowered with a concrete plan on how to care for you scoliosis at home, including how to relieve painful muscle spasms and flare-ups

Track 2

Existing Clients

Track 2 is for pre-existing clients of Spiral Spine including returning retreat attendees, virtual clients, and in-studio clients. In Track 2 you will:

  • Have your scoli reassessed by Spiral’s staff
  • Apply your knowledge of your scoli under the specialized care of Spiral’s teachers to movement on state-of-the-art Pilates equipment at the studio
  • Practice Pilates for scoliosis intensely on various pieces of Pilates equipment to develop strength and stamina, with a focus on long-term stabilization of your scoliosis
  • Experience the endless creativity of Spiral Spine’s teachers to increase the joy of caring for your scoli body long-term
  • Leave the retreat with a refreshed scoli plan and new ideas for your daily scoli care
  • You can repeat this track indefinitely to receive the scoli care you desire

Track 3

Movement Practitioners

Track 3 is for movement practitioners who wish to learn how to care for clients with scoliosis in a fast-paced, hands-on, real-life studio setting. This is not a classroom setting where you’ll sit through theoretical lectures with power points. You’ll be shadowing and assisting Spiral’s teachers with attendees in Track 1 and 2 throughout the entire retreat. In Track 3, you will:

  • Learn to analyze scoliotic bodies, create diagram sketches, and place pads
  • Learn how to use a Scoliometer and how to apply that data into corrective movement
  • Be taught how to implement movements backed by research to benefit your clients’ scoliotic bodies
  • Be taught how to muscle test clients to find which of their muscles need to work and release and how to assign homework based on the results
  • Leave the retreat with priceless hours of experience working with scoliotic bodies

Regardless of your track, you will be required to read “I Have Scoliosis; Now What?”  in its entirety prior to the retreat. Please bring your book and questions with you to the retreat.

If you are a movement practitioner taking Track 3, you are also required to read “Analyzing Scoliosis: the Pilates Instructor’s Guide to Scoliosis.” Please bring your book and questions with you to the retreat.

Daily Schedule

Scoliometer readings, movement, & learning

Lunch provided by Spiral Spine

Movement & Learning

Stretching & muscle release, Scoliometer readings, Q&A


$725 per person

Upcoming Retreats

April 4-5, 2025
April 17-18, 2026

Travel & Hotel Information

You will need to find your own accommodations and transportation for the duration of your stay. There are multiple, reasonably priced hotels within a few minutes of Spiral Spine. Some general areas to look at are Cool Springs, Brentwood, Franklin, and downtown Nashville. Ubers are plentiful in the area, so it shouldn’t take you a long time to commute.

Nearest airport: BNA

Time zone: US Central (Chicago is a major city in the same time zone)

Cancellation & Transfer Policy

If you cancel or transfer your registration more than three months before the retreat starts, you will incur a $50 transfer fee or a $100 cancellation fee. If you cancel or transfer your registration less than three months before the retreat starts but more that two weeks prior to the start of the retreat, you will incur a $100 transfer fee or a $250 cancellation fee. If you cancel or transfer your registration within two weeks of the start of the retreat, you will forfeit the full course fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’d like to book a massage while in town, contact the Client Care Coordinator for information on therapists that work regularly with Spiral Spine teachers and clients. To prevent your body from being too sore, we do not suggest booking a massage, whether or not you are used to bodywork, 24 hours before or during the retreat.

Many people choose to extend their visit and take extra private or group lessons at Spiral Spine. If this is of interest to you, feel free to book them in advance. If you don’t see the availability you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.

If you’re brand new to Spiral Spine, you’ll most likely be placed in Track 1 to learn to care for your own body. If you’d prefer to  attend only as a movement practitioner, you should contact the Client Care Coordinator and you will observe and assist Spiral’s staff, but not undergo your own assessment.

Lunch is catered by Spiral Spine both days of the retreat. You will need to plan for breakfast and dinner.

Yes! We love it when parents attend. You will pay for your child to attend and you can attend at no additional cost. Once you have registered for the retreat, please email us your name and your child’s name.