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the word barbie with a picture of chelsea the scoliosis barbie

Hooray! There’s a Scoliosis Barbie!

Hey scoli world! I’m Jennifer Stark, a teacher who works with Spiral Spine’s youngest clientele, and I’m here to make a very timely announcement. With the world enthralled with the Barbie movie, I thought this would be the perfect time to remind you: there is now a scoliosis Barbie!

brown haired, white down with pink dress and scoliosis braceWith my clients, young and old, currently enthused with everything hot pink and Barbie, I was surprised that a majority of them were unaware of the Mattel’s Chelsea doll that comes with her own scoliosis brace. In a world where all dolls have perfectly even waistlines, shoulders, and hips, this Chelsea doll with scoliosis boasts a curved spine and uneven shoulders!

I’m not going to lie when I say I cried when I saw the announcement of a scoliosis Barbie earlier this year. The opportunity for those of us with scoliosis to see ourselves represented by one of the largest brands on the planet was a prayer answered.

If you have a kiddo that needs a pick-me-up, I suggest picking up a scoliosis Chelsea doll. Then Chelsea can travel to appointments with your child, especially if your little one is getting a brace! Some of my own teen clients did this recently and definitely feel they benefited from a little buddy.

Put a scoliosis Barbie (with a brace) down in the win column for scoliosis awareness! We’re going to have to wait and see if Skipper, Stacey, or Barbie also have scoli and if it’s genetic or not!

Interested in learning how to empower your teen to live with and manage their scoliosis? Consider booking a lesson with me or one of Spiral Spine’s qualified teachers.

Jennifer Stark is a scoliosis instructor at Spiral Spine Pilates, a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, a Certified Integrated Movement Specialist, and a Balanced Body trained Pilates Instructor who has scoli and specializes in caring for those with scoliosis.

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