WKRN News: The biggest piece of advice for parents of children dealing with Scoliosis
Mornings on Main Street | Erin Meyers, founder of Spiral Spine in Brentwood
No More Pain, No More Surgery: Alicia’s Scoliosis Story Part 3
Fast forward over two years from her first tearful lesson, and she’s a ball of energy and joy at my studio, Spiral Spine Pilates. She no longer needs private lessons because she knows what exercises she should and shouldn’t do—the true epitome of someone who owns her scoli. She takes group equipment classes regularly and does […]
No More Pain, No More Surgery: Alicia’s Scoliosis Story Part 2
I’d been studying scoliosis medical research for about a decade by the time I started working with Alicia, and had just published my book Analyzing Scoliosis, The Pilates Instructor’s Guide to Scoliosis. I knew the research stated about muscle discrepancy in those with scoliosis and that Alicia was fitting the bill perfectly, despite being fused and having […]
No More Pain, No More Surgery: Alicia’s Scoliosis Story Part 1
Alicia Ludwig didn’t want any more surgeries. She was tired of being cut up and knew if she went in to get her botched back surgery fixed, her entire spine would have to be fused. And that she just wasn’t ready for. In her teens Alicia had two sacral and lumbar spinal fusion surgeries to […]
Pilates Bridge: Practical Scoliosis Assessment and Exercises
Pilates Bridge: Pilates for Scoliosis
Does Ballet Increase Your Risk of Scoliosis?
As a dancer, you probably know someone with scoliosis or, if you’re like me, you might even have it yourself. What you may not know is that certain lifestyle factors can increase your likelihood of developing the condition, and according to a recent study published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, classical ballet training is […]
Erin Myers of Spiral Spine Pilates interview with Eva Wennes
85 Pounds Lighter After Pilates
Erin Myers is a Balanced Body® Pilates instructor and teacher trainer in Nashville, Tennessee, who works with a number of obese and morbidly obese clients. ‘It’s always a joy to work with clients who struggle with their weight, because I know they are taking such a huge step in their lives,’ Myers says. ‘[They’re] hands […]