Have you ever wondered how a trained Pilates instructor performs scoliosis care? Well I’m about to tell you all the ins and outs of my monthly routine.
I have had scoliosis since I was a teen. I’m now in my late 30s now and have developed a tried-and-true way to care for my scoliosis. While I guide people on how to care for their own scoli daily at my studio, Spiral Spine Pilates Studio, both in-person and virtually around the world, people ask me all the time how I care for myself.
First off, I know that I must wisely move at least every other day if I want to remain pain-free. If I don’t, my body becomes stiff, and when I look at myself in the mirror, I notice I look super twisted. This can mean doing a modified Pilates, Gyrontonic, or Gyrokinesis workout at home or in-between clients at the studio.
Secondly, I always use scoliosis pads when I work out on the ground to help my body relax into a more neutral alignment. This allows me to work out of, instead of into, my curves–as we’re always strongest in our curves. I use pads whenever I work out, be that on my Pilates reformer at home, the Gyrotonic tower or other Pilates equipment at my studio, or on a Mat doing basic mobilizing and strengthening work with small props.
Thirdly, I do cardio and leg strengthening weekly. Most people with scoliosis, myself included, have muscular discrepancies right to left in their pelvis and legs due to their scoliosis patterns. I find if I routinely keep the muscles strong in my lower body, then the twisting in my scoli spine has a harder time affecting my pelvis and legs.
I enjoy rollerblading and biking on my Flexispot desk bike. I also have two tweenaged sons who still like hanging out with me, and I do scooter and bike rides with them around the neighborhood. My husband and I enjoy walking together in the neighborhood and we will walk multiple miles every week together. All of these movements keep my legs and hips strong.
A final but very important piece is the release work I get from other professionals. I get a structural integration and a neuromuscular massage every month. Two massages, one every other week, is what I’ve fond keeps my body nicely in check.
This may seem like a lot to fit in, but I have found that if I make a schedule each week, it becomes easy to stick to and manage. I’ve learned to really enjoy my time where I get to love on my body every other day and look forward to it. It’s my private time away from the busy life that I lead. I encourage you to see if you can change your mind from taking care of your scoli body as a chore to the time that you get to care for your body as a treat. It’s made a world of a difference for me.
There is no magic pill to make your scoliosis disappear (trust me, I’ve read the research and have tried all of it). So developing a scoliosis care plan that is maintainable and enjoyable is key to caring for your beautiful scoliosis body long-term.
If you would like help developing a plan for yourself, we would be happy to assist you! Free free to book a private appointment for either an in-person or virtual lesson with one of Spiral Spine’s staff.