The 5 Best Exercises for Scoliosis

lateral breathing for scoliosis

One of the most common questions I get asked at the end of a lesson with a scoli client, is “what are the best exercises for scoliosis?” After years of working with countless clients and reading through mounds of research, here’s what I’ve learned are the best exercises for scoliosis: Traction Side Shift Side Bend […]

Don’t Give Up

Keep calm and carry on gif

I recently received the following email: Thank you so much for this post (My Scoli Rant: Stop the Mistruths!). I’ve had scoliosis and Scheuerman’s kyphosis since I was a child and I am now 62. I’m in constant pain daily and have considered surgery. NO WAY NOW! I’ve been taking PILATES for a year now, […]

Small scoliosis curves – are they painful?

It is easy to imagine how large scoli curves can wreak havoc on one’s body, but many people are unaware of how small scoliosis curves can be just as physically and emotionally painful. I wrote in The Beautiful Scoliotic Back that bodies like balance. So, any deviation, even a small one, (i.e. small scoli curves) […]

Is back surgery my only option for helping my scoliosis?

back bracing spinal fusion surgery

Is back surgery my only option? This email question comes from 59 year-old woman from Kentucky. She’s lived with scoliosis her entire life, but after her latest doctor’s visit, she’s been told to prepare for back surgery. Panicked, she’s reaching out to Spiral Spine for advice. Scoliosis doesn’t go away. In fact, it usually progresses […]