Scoliosis and Pregnancy: Facts and Myths

scoliosis doesn't effect ability to get pregnant

There are many myths surrounding the topic of scoliosis and pregnancy. Let’s look at some of the top ones, and then I’ll share  recommendations based on research, my own two pregnancies, and those of the many scoli clients I’ve worked with. (If you’re interested in learning more about how to take care of your scoliosis, […]

How to prepare and recover from surgery without hurting your scoliosis

Spinal surgeries happen all the time. Actress Katherine Heigl, chef David Burtka, models Natalie Roser and Martha Hunt, golfer Tiger Woods, and Princess Eugenia of York have all had spinal surgery. Your job in prepping for any surgery doesn’t end with simply finding the right surgeon. You need to plan for how to prepare and […]

Is there a cure for scoliosis? What your doctor won’t tell you

side by side of back with dots tracking scoliosis curve and xray

During September of 2019 I ran a huge giveaway of scoliosis resource products on Instagram called Scoli September. I ended up sending 43 packages filled with scoliosis books, journals, workout videos, teaching videos, and swag out around the world. It was a lot of fun to be the scoli Santa. The scoli treat packages were […]

What are the side effects of scoliosis spinal fusion surgery?

Scoliosis in adults treatment at Spiral Spine Nashville

New clients often ask what my thoughts are on scoliosis spinal fusion surgery and its side effects, because that is the only option they were given by their doctors to treat their scoliosis. I’m going to have the conversation I have with them with you. To summarize: Doctors usually don’t mention treatments besides bracing and […]

Two Scoliosis Spinal Fusion Surgeries Approved by FDA

xray of spine showing before and after with apifix

The FDA recently approved two more scoliosis spinal fusion surgeries: Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) and ApiFix. I’ve been reading about these two surgeries for years and am hopeful they will be good alternatives to the rod fusion surgeries that are currently done, but only time will tell. While I am not an advocate of spinal […]

Warning: Scoliosis is a Big Money Business

cartoon white woman wearing a back brace for scoliosis

A few years back I signed up on Google to receive email alerts anytime an article was posted on the internet with the word ‘scoliosis’ in it so I could get a true look at what was happening in the scoliosis world. My inbox has been flooded with daily articles with titles like: Scoliosis Management […]

There are many non-surgical ways to treat scoliosis

Yesterday, on the TV show “The Doctors,” they included a segment on scoliosis. At first I was thrilled that a major show was finally covering scoli, but when I realized how they were covering it,  the rage began to set in. By the end of the piece, I literally felt nauseous and thought I might […]

Untwisting Maya: Her Story

I recently published Untwisting Scoli: Maya, the first in a new series of educational videos by Spiral Spine showing the analysis and exercise process I use to untwist my scoliosis clients. Untwisting Scoli: Maya documents my unique process with a long-time client of mine, Maya. I originally wrote about Maya in a newsletters at my first […]

Scoliosis Inventions

Recently, I was listening to a lecture on inventions at my children’s school. My kids were learning about early America and how inventions improved people’s lives. At the end of the talk, the speaker said, “is there any aspect of your life where you could invent something to make it easier or better?” This struck […]

My Scoli Heart Hurts

My heart hurts. I’m going to let my heart bleed all over my computer as I write this. I often feel the emotional pain that my scoli clients go through, and it can be emotionally draining at times. Today is one of those days. As many of you know, I am not an advocate for […]