Usain Bolt, the Fastest Man in the World has Scoliosis

One of my favorite living people with scoliosis is Usain Bolt. Talk about not letting scoliosis hold you back! I have to admit I’m a total Olympics junky and have rooted for Usain throughout the last 15 years. Over 10 years ago, during one of the summer Olympics, I was teaching a regular weekly lesson […]

Concave vs. Convex Scoliosis Curves

I’ve had a lot of questions on how to tell which part of the scoli curve is concave versus convex. It’s time to have a lesson on deciphering scoli curves. Every scoliosis curve has a concave and a convex part. They are opposing sides of the curve. Most scoli spines have multiple curves and therefore […]

The Zika virus, the Olympics and scoliosis

zika can cause scoliosis

It’s Scoliosis Awareness Month and what a better way to spread the word about scoli than to warn you that the world could be looking at getting a lot more scoli diagnoses starting in August. You’ve probably heard about the Zika virus and the controversy over holding the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this […]