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Is there a cure for scoliosis? What your doctor won’t tell you

side by side of back with dots tracking scoliosis curve and xray

During September of 2019 I ran a huge giveaway of scoliosis resource products on Instagram called Scoli September. I ended up sending 43 packages filled with scoliosis books, journals, workout videos, teaching videos, and swag out around the world. It was a lot of fun to be the scoli Santa. The scoli treat packages were […]

What are the side effects of scoliosis spinal fusion surgery?

Scoliosis in adults treatment at Spiral Spine Nashville

New clients often ask what my thoughts are on scoliosis spinal fusion surgery and its side effects, because that is the only option they were given by their doctors to treat their scoliosis. I’m going to have the conversation I have with them with you. To summarize: Doctors usually don’t mention treatments besides bracing and […]

Do back braces help scoliosis?

The topic of back bracing to help with scoliosis always ends up being a huge conversation when a new person with scoliosis comes into my Pilates studio for the first time. This is especially true if it is a child coming in with a parent. Each and every case of scoliosis is different, so I […]

Case study confirms movement and massage are good for scoliosis

one white women receiving neuromuscular release from another

An interesting article came out in the spring 2019 Massage Therapy Journal titled “A Multimodal Approach to Scoliosis; Can massage therapy improve idiopathic scoliosis?” The article gave an overview of a 2009 case study about a 40-year-old woman who was diagnosed with scoliosis at age 12. Throughout her life, she complained of shortness of breath […]

The 5 Best Exercises for Scoliosis

lateral breathing for scoliosis

One of the most common questions I get asked at the end of a lesson with a scoli client, is “what are the best exercises for scoliosis?” After years of working with countless clients and reading through mounds of research, here’s what I’ve learned are the best exercises for scoliosis: Why are these exercises the […]

Concave vs. Convex Scoliosis Curves

I’ve had a lot of questions on how to tell which part of the scoli curve is concave versus convex. It’s time to have a lesson on deciphering scoli curves. Every scoliosis curve has a concave and a convex part. They are opposing sides of the curve. Most scoli spines have multiple curves and therefore […]

The Mighty Oak Tree

giant oak tree in a forest

Scoliosis is complicated. How it manifests from person to person is different. The origin is often difficult to pin down. Past trauma to the body and how it interacts with the scoli introduces another level of body detective work that complicates an already complex diagnosis. This takes a while to sort through with my clients. […]

Don’t Give Up

Keep calm and carry on gif

I recently received the following email: Thank you so much for this post (My Scoli Rant: Stop the Mistruths!). I’ve had scoliosis and Scheuerman’s kyphosis since I was a child and I am now 62. I’m in constant pain daily and have considered surgery. NO WAY NOW! I’ve been taking PILATES for a year now, […]

Research shows a supplement reduces scoliosis

A fascinating piece of research recently came out indicating that some scoliosis cases may be caused by neuroinflammation, which is simply inflammation within the neurological system of the body.[i] The best part of this research is that two over-the-counter medications were found to significantly reduce scoliosis in juvenile fish. Researchers ran tests with both aspirin […]

Performing a visual assessment

Pilates teacher training class at Spiral Spine Nashville

This blog is part of the Analyzing Scoliosis series, which is designed to teach movement practitioners how to work confidently with clients who have scoliosis. In previous posts I discussed the typical scoli body, common types of scoli (AIS and functional scoliosis), when to work with a client, handling a misdiagnosed client, the importance of movement, the role […]