We all know the adolescent years can be some of the most challenging (and awkward) in a person’s life, and going through it with scoliosis can bring on physical and emotional hardships. Summer might have provided a nice break for kids with scoli from the woes of school-life but as it comes to an end ... [ Read On ]
Functional Scoliosis
Idiopathic vs. Functional Scoliosis and Exercise
This question outlines the differences between idiopathic and functional scoliosis and how it dictates different exercise. Laura, a physical therapist in Iowa asks: "Do those with idiopathic scoliosis respond differently to movement therapy than those with functional scoliosis?" The answer is ... [ Read On ]
Scoliosis Early Detection Screenings
You may be shocked to find out I’m not thrilled about early detection screenings. Well, I guess that’s not the total truth. Under the current system, I think it may do more harm than good to find out you have scoli if you are simply told to “watch and wait”. In most cases with early detection ... [ Read On ]